“ His abilities are extraordinary. He seems to be able to see through the earth with his hands.” “ He found water for us in places where we had nearly given up after long and expensive searches. I remember a spot where our company sought water since 1906, using all possible technology to no avail. After only two days of walking the area, Maurizio discovered a rich vein of water and told us exactly how far down the water was.” "Thanks to his gift, we were able to save millions of dollars"
Vittorio Arbasino,
head of research at ITALGAS,
Italian state-run natural gas company
The film director, Fabrizio Cattani, was inspired, for his film “The Diviner”, by the special technique of Maurizio Armanetti and said:
“His name is Maurizio Armanetti, I think he’s the most famous dowser in Italy. He even managed to find in the valley of Tigulio, in Liguria, a large water reservoir where instead a group of geologists had tried without success. Maurizio has fascinated me his way of seeing things, of estrangement from the matter to search on a quasi-shamanic spirituality. The most beautiful idea he gave me is the one of the hands. When he is searching for water, moving on the ground, making moving his hands from the top down , at the height of the belly. I found this technique to search water very cinematic and I played on the screen.”
The professional activity of Maurizio Armanetti is cited in the following books:
Water trasparent gold
This book stems from the humanitarian exigency of the authors to transmit the incisors conclusions of an International Symposium of the Association of Orthomolecular Medicine (A.I.M.O.) during which were faced possible solutions regarding the emergency “water”…humanitarian exigency of the authors to transmit the incisors conclusions of an International Symposium of the Association of Orthomolecular Medicine (A.I.M.O.) during which were faced possible solutions regarding the emergency “water”…
Feng Shui
“… the use of the brain as an instrument of perception, but in addition to this ability to use the body as an instrument, you can also feel those biophysical feelings already described …”
Orthomolecular Medicine
“ In Italy we have two brilliant and enthusiastic researchers and through them we had the introduction and diffusion of Organic Architecture: Gianfranco Carignano and Maurizio Armanetti.”